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Ville de Saint-Martin-de-Crau

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"Une ville de Provence chaleureuse et accueillante"
"Une ville de Provence chaleureuse et accueillante"

Tourisme Anglais


HomeTourisme Anglais > FestivitiesFoire Agricole de la Saint Valentin (St. Valentine’s Day Agricultural Fair)


Foire Agricole de la Saint Valentin (St. Valentine’s Day Agricultural Fair)

Horaires :
Usually held in mid-February
Renseignements :
00 334 90 47 98 40
St. Valentine’s Day is a key date in the cycle of transhumance. In fact, sheep come down from high mountain pastures throughout autumn and until the 14th of February. The city uses this opportunity to greet the returning shepherds with a large agricultural fair.
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During an entire Wednesday, breeders and shepherds meet at a rams’ auction and show of the finest sheep, sponsored by the Union for the Promotion of the Arles Merino (UPRA). Provence donkeys are also showcased. Under the control of the Uzes National Stud Farm, expert judges inspect the animals’ compliance with breed standards.

Competitions are regularly held to reward the finest specimens of these two species. This important traditional festival offers discovery opportunities for visitors, while professionals can purchase breeding animals of all types.

In addition, the Agricultural Fair held on St. Valentine’s Day features sales of agricultural equipment and regional produce. To enhance the enjoyment of the day, various entertainment activities, which differ from year to year, are planned: demonstrations of sheep dogs, sheep shearing demonstrations, pony or donkey rides, etc. Finally, on the Sunday preceding or following this event, the city also holds a flea market.

Additional informations 

Throughout the year, the "Actualités" section (in French only) offers full information on upcoming events (programmes, timetables, venues, etc).