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Tourisme Anglais


HomeTourisme Anglais > Visits and DiscoveriesL’Etang des Aulnes Estate


L’Etang des Aulnes Estate

Localisation :
Since 1988, l’Etang des Aulnes Estate has been owned by the General Council of Bouches-du-Rhone, which is responsible for the restoration, management and protection of this unique asset.
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The Estate accommodates an ancient Provençal-style mansion with its various appurtenances, a residence for artists and an open-air concert hall. The foundations of this 300-hectare estate located in the heart of the Crau region, date from 1213.
Its setting is quite breathtaking: a wide lane lined with oleanders and pine trees leads to a wooded park, whose lawns descend toward a lake. The opposite bank, still wild, has remained a haven for migratory birds.
Serving as artists’ residence over the winter months until springtime, the estate is transformed in summertime to host a variety of concerts.
