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Ville de Saint-Martin-de-Crau

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"Une ville de Provence chaleureuse et accueillante"
"Une ville de Provence chaleureuse et accueillante"

Tourisme Anglais


HomeTourisme Anglais > FestivitiesFête du printemps (Spring Festival)


Fête du printemps (Spring Festival)

Horaires :
Usually held on the second weekend of May
Renseignements :
00 334 90 47 98 40
Much more than just a local event, the Spring Festival is a genuine parade of traditions in honour of the land and cultural heritage of the Crau region: Sheep-breeding, the famous Crau hay, folklore traditions (...) and especially the transhumance.
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The Spring Festival celebrates the start of the transhumance movement of Crau flocks towards the Alps. It takes place each year in May, with the arrival of spring weather, from which it got its name. With its programme featuring a wide range of events organized in partnership with many local associations, the Festival invites everyone to enjoy a spring weekend rich in colours and traditions. Year after year, it has remained unfailingly successful due to the abundance of activities that it offers: poultry fair, flea market, garage sales, various contests and exhibitions, Vigil of Shepherds dinner party, stands of local associations, display of old-time trades, etc.

Among the highlights: the re-enactment of the annual arrival and departure of flocks to high pasture in homage to this ancestral sheep-breeding tradition, which lies at the heart of the city’s cultural identity. It features the passage of some 2,000 sheep through the town centre, followed, among others, by a parade of local and international folklore groups, the "Carreto Ramado" decorated cart and a display of haymaking equipment of olden times.

In the general atmosphere of good cheer, they offer a true-to-life image of the departure of the animals to summer pastures as it used to take place, on foot, until not long ago…

Additional informations 

Throughout the year, the "Actualités" section (in French only) offers full information on upcoming events (programmes, timetables, venues, etc).
